Pan Fried Noodles @

pan fried noodles;

April 25, 2016Katie

I’ve made this recipe a few times, and while delicious and the top and bottom of the noodle nest are crispy, the noodles are never quiiiiiite crispy enough for me!  That said, it’s still amazingly delicious!  I’ll bet you need to quickly cook the noodles in water and then add them to the pan, but that’s too much effort for me when you can just add water to the pan you’re already cooking in.  Or add more oil to the pan to fry them up, but I prefer to pretend I’m a healthy person.  I wouldn’t call this a one-pan recipe because you do need to steam the broccoli, but the rest of it can be a one-pan recipe!


The noodles that I buy come with four nests, and somehow I always insist on using all four.  I think 3 is actually ideal for the crisp noodles, but I never know what to do with the fourth, so I just throw it in.  I will caveat this recipe with: while I wrote down what I used this time around, I do typically make this recipe by sight, so if you want an extra splash of this, or an extra splash of that, add it in!

Noodles and Broccoli for Pan Fried Noodles @

An alternative to the ginger, garlic powder, and salt and pepper is to marinade the chicken for 30+ minutes beforehand.  Toss some fish sauce, oyster sauce, and soy sauce in a bag, and ham it up!  Well, not ham, I don’t think that would be particularly wonderful.  But you could always use beef instead.


Pan Fried Noodles @

Here’s a picture of me sporting one set of chopsticks from Japan!  I loved studying abroad and I brought back various chopsticks as presents–they’re so cheap there!  Who would have thought (probably everyone ever).  But gotta have them classic chopsticks for asian dishes!



  • Noel

    April 25, 2016 at 10:16 pm


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