• Holiday assortment of truffles in a box with bells and christmas trees

    the ultimate holiday truffle guide;

    November 20, 2022bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    The ultimate holiday truffle guide, with tips and tricks for chocolate, molds, and equipment. Check out a ton of suggestions for fillings and flavors for truffles.

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  • s'mores bites stacked and drizzled vanilla bean marshmallows

    homemade marshmallow s’mores;

    March 11, 2022bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    These homemade marshmallow s’mores are made from scratch and the perfect delicious summer treat. Homemade vanilla bean marshmallows are soft, squishy, and just melt in your mouth! Stack those fresh marshmallows on graham crackers–or make your own homemade gluten-free graham crackers. Then, of course, add the chocolate, and top with more crushed graham crackers. Vanilla bean homemade marshmallows are classic, rich treat that’s the perfect marshmallow canvas for s’mores. I promise you, once you’ve tasted these, you won’t go back to storebought! The key to fluffy tall marshmallows is the whipping. You really need an electric mixer to make marshmallows.…

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  • Hot chocolate bombs: strawberry and black & white

    hot chocolate bombs;

    November 26, 2021bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Take a chocolate sphere and stuff it full of goodies like marshmallows and sprinkles. Pour hot milk over the bomb and watch it explode delicious goodness for the perfect cup of hot chocolate!

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