Strawberry Strudel Donut @

strawberry streudel doughnuts;

November 5, 2016Katie

Happy Tyler-and-my-sister’s birthday!  (Yes, they have the same birthday: November 5th!)  I think these doughnuts are Tyler’s favorite thing of all time and it’s been three years since I’ve come into his life with full fattening potential. I like these doughnuts, but honestly if it was me personally, they’d be a touch too much work for something that doesn’t have chocolate.  They’re only too much work because I always think that I can cut up strawberries while they’re baking for the first two minutes.  DON’T DO THAT.  I’ve tried.  It takes way longer to dice up strawberries than you think.  But since he loves them, I make them now and again as a treat, like this weekend for his birthday!

Strawberry Strudel Donut Mix into piping bag @

My other issue is that I tend to overfill doughnut pans, and my baked donuts rarely come out looking like actual donuts. At which point, why don’t I just make a cake and be done with it? But there’s something appealing about a doughnut, even when baked.

Donut pans with mix for Strawberry Strudel Donut @ bestwithchocolate.comAs I’m typing this up, I’ve been wondering why I keep writing “donut”. I’m pretty sure it’s an amalgamation of the twenty-first century and Dunkin Donuts. According to both are technically acceptable though “doughnuts” is much preferred outside of the U.S. and even in the U.S. “donuts” is only used 1/3 of the time. Interesting. I’m going to go with “doughnuts” until further notice as shortening words unnecessarily is a slight peeve of mine. If my parents helped pay a ridiculous tuition for me for college, then gosh darn it, I’m going to make that money well spent and form complete sentences with words spelled correctly. Even when it comes to doughnuts!  But I don’t really mind if you prefer donut.


Strudel crumble for Strawberry Strudel Donut @

Tangent aside, these doughnuts are super moist, and definitely look super pretty. With a combination of fresh strawberries and a crumble topping, (if I could just get the holes of the doughnut to appear…) they’re wonderful little cakes. I do suggest a piping bag, or in my rudimentary kitchen a plastic bag with a hole cut out. Perhaps part of the reason I filled the doughnut pans too much was because I cut a hole big enough for my roughly chopped strawberries to flow through. Next time I would try piping the filling and then just scattering strawberries throughout or chopping up the strawberries smaller. Still, hole-less doughnuts aside these were extremely tasty and spongy in a good way, so I hope you enjoy!




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