• greek rice (spanakorizo);

    July 4, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Happy Fourth of July!  I know you all will probably be spammed by social media with red, white, and blue galore!  So here’s some green to mix it up!  =D  I wanted to share this because it’s an easy recipe to make for company!  If you prep the ingredients before cooking and then just add to a pot to simmer away, it works quite nicely.  Let me know if you try this method!  I am in Chicago for a family vacation until Wednesday, so I wanted to make sure I shared a recipe at least and didn’t leave you all hanging.…

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  • Jalapeno Popper Stuffed Bread @ bestwithchocolate.com

    jalapeno popper stuffed bread;

    July 1, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    This bread is ooey, gooey deliciousness.  And I really do mean that, so watch out for some falling dip when you’re stuffing your face!  My friends and I had a splat or two on the floor by the time we were done!  But it was gobbled up in pretty much no time flat, let me tell you.  It really is a quintessential appetizer recipe, and wouldn’t be a horrible pot luck recipe if you had access to a toaster oven, but it’s not really a make-and-carry recipe.  It’s definitely better warm and fresh from the oven.   We did another “Pokewine”…

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  • Peanut Butter Pretzel Bars @ bestwithchocolate.com

    peanut butter pretzel bars;

    June 17, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Cooooookies in bar form!  My desire to make this recipe really came from the fact that peanut butter cups were on sale, and I loooove me some fresh PB cups.  Have you ever had the really old PB cups that are like dried out and crumbly?  It’s not the same.  Have you ever had fresh off the Hershey’s press PB cups?  I actually have, and they’re AMAZING.  The peanut butter is creamier and as sugary as ever, and did I mention–it’s amazing?  I did a summer program called Institute of Leadership, Technology, and Management (ILTM) my junior year of college, and got…

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  • Huevos Rancheros Quesadillas

    blue apron: huevos rancheros quesadillas;

    June 14, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Blue apron is the second order-by-meal service that I’ve used, the first being hello fresh.  Feel free to revisit the recipe for dijon walnut salmon and couscous for my list of pros/cons on hello fresh.  At some point I will compile a nice list about all the different services, but I’m keeping with the past format for now. Pros As compared to hello fresh, I like the recipes more.  They seem a little more exotic, with an occasional ingredient that I wouldn’t have probably picked up otherwise.  I relish the opportunity to be nudged out of my comfort zone without being overwhelmed by new…

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  • Marinated Kabobs @ bestwithchocolate.com

    marinated kabobs;

    June 9, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Today, T made dinner!  Like whole hog, from shopping to marinating to grilling.  I mean, to be fair, I guess I made a rice side from a bag, but it was the kind where you just add water and boil.  So it doesn’t count, and this meal was suuuuper tasty!  Super flavorful, and not too hard.  T estimated he spent less than 30 minutes total working on this, though start to finish is a little longer, since you have the marinating time in there. I will say that we did forget to throw in a few extra vegetables.  We did only…

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  • Mediterranean Dip @ bestwithchocolate.com

    mediterranean dip;

    June 5, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    So today was game day!  D&D Sunday as they usually happen to be, and instead of going all out to make all of the food, we did a potluck!  It was wonderful–worked out perfectly.  Zack made jalapeno poppers, Matt made quiche, and Dustin brought brownies!  Tyler got away with nothing because he’s dating me, and I provided this awesome mediterranean dip!  Plus he’s the DM so he has more work to do than the rest of us when it  comes to preparing for D&D. This mediterranean dip recipe stems from Dara’s Healthy Mediterranean 7 Layer Dip over at Cookin’ Canuck, with a…

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  • Nacho Popcorn @ bestwithchocolate.com

    (more) popcorn;

    June 1, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    So if you’ll remember allllll the way back to my very first post: beer tasting housewarming: pepper cheddar popcorn, I had some unique popcorn flavor suggestions for you all!  Well I’m back with a few more!  Over memorial day weekend, my friends from high school wanted to do a Disney/Pixar movie marathon, and by golly, we did!  We didn’t pick a line-up until we were all there, but my best friend D made some Disney props so we could take pictures.  We actually didn’t take a ton because we were busy catching up and watching movies and eating food, but the ones…

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  • Cake Batter Pancakes @ bestwithchocolate.com

    cake batter pancakes;

    May 22, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    This recipe comes from a random late-night craving!  It’s an amaaaazingly simple recipe and if you’re going to eat pancakes anyway, why not spruce up those plain jane pancakes with some cake batter?  Everything is better with cake batter.  And make sure you reserve some sprinkles for topping!  Gotta make sure there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that these are cake batter!  And the only way to do that is with sprinkles obviously. I will say, if you make this, I suggest making at least a 1/4 c. extra batter or more.  Because there’s definitely potential for sneaking some of…

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  • pecan crusted rainbow trout with spinach and rice

    pecan crusted rainbow trout;

    May 19, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Originally posted May 19, 2016. Updated May 23, 2021 for content and clarity. So Tyler and I had date night! One of those impromptu date nights where we ended up cuddled on the floor watching Castle and feeling really full. The best kind of night. =) And the star of the night was pecan crusted rainbow trout! It all stemmed from high fish prices at the grocery store–I was actually looking for cod and thinking about fish and chips. But everything was more expensive, and I saw the rainbow trout and just had to buy it on my way out…

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  • Buffalo Chicken Wrap @ bestwithchocolate.com

    buffalo chicken wrap;

    May 16, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    I will say, now that we have a dog, I feel guilty about using my crock pot.  Not enough to stop, since I know we feed Kenichi well, but it must be some form of humane torture to have the house smelling like chicken all day and not even have the consolation that you’ll get some later.  Poor pup.  (I don’t feel that bad for you, you little spoiled ball of cuteness.) But this recipe is a great make-ahead recipe.  Perfect to make a big batch of on the weekend, and slap together a few sandwiches the day before, or…

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  • Shredded Chicken @ bestwithchocolate.com

    shredded chicken;

    May 16, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Here’s your basic end-all be-all shredded chicken recipe!  Keep an eye out for recipes using this baby–first up: buffalo chicken wrap! This is perfect to make a big batch, and then use it for various recipes throughout the week!

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  • Churro Cookies @ bestwithchocolate.com

    churro cookies;

    May 7, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Here’s recipe two from T’s and my’s Thursday night cinco de mayo dinner!  Churro Cookies.  Yes, they are just as glamorous as they sound.  I promise.  And actually, they’re amazingly simple.  There’s–count ’em–only 6 ingredients! Now I don’t make these every day just because puff pastry is rather expensive (for cookie making), but let me tell you, they are like little bites of heaven.  And while the round cookies are super cute and flaky, I absolutely do not throw away the strangely-shaped pieces!  Bake them off and get the kids (or yourself–taste testing is a must!) to om nom the…

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