Baked Italian Flounder @

baked italian flounder;

March 29, 2017Katie

Light and flaky flounder marinated in Italian dressing, a perfectly easy and light mid-week meal!

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This recipe is great, easy, and delicious.  Have I got you hooked?  (Do you appreciate my puns?)  It really only involves two ingredients, plus seasoning, if you even decide to bother.  A model “simple” recipe!


Marinating Baked Italian Flounder @

I love simple dishes like these to help round out the “I’m so busy I’m going 20 different directions” days, or for a more relaxing day when I want to try out a more complex side dish.  In this case, I was going for tried and true and easy: some store bought rolls, this baked italian flounder, and some roasted caesar broccoli (tcc recipe), still one of my favorite recipes, and easy to boot.

Baked Italian Flounder and Roasted Balsamic Broccoli @

Sometimes you just need those days, you know?  Where you make you life a little bit easier for yourself, but in this case you don’t have to sacrifice flavor!  Just remember to give yourself enough time to marinate the fish, and voila, dinner is on the table!

Baked Italian Flounder @

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