• My new dokibook planner @ bestwithchocolate.com

    a 3-month review of my new planner;

    August 3, 2018bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    So I’ve been planner geeking out with a couple of my coworkers recently helping a friend set up her new planner, and I have to say, it’s making me think more consciously about my planner than I have in a while.  After my initial set-up, and I might call it slight obsession over my planner, it’s fallen a bit by the wayside.  And by that I mean in the most successful way possible.  If the planner itself recedes into the background and I’m more focused on tasks and productivity, then I’m succeeding, right? So here’s some of the pros and…

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  • Various Stickers for Planner @ bestwithchocolate.com

    the planner tools starter kit;

    May 1, 2018bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    So you have your new planner.  Now what?  Where to start?  If you see all these beautifully laid out planners on pinterest and want some place to start, here’s where I started! Calendars – calendars are crucial to any planner.  There are so many styles and spreads that you’ll have to find what’s right for you.  For me, monthly and weekly spreads are a must.  Monthly calendars can be simple, just a basic grid with days of the week and dates.  Weekly spreads I find to be a bit more personal: vertical or horizontal?  colorful or practical?  appointment or lists? …

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  • The Dokibook Planner monthly tabs @ bestwithchocolate.com

    4 tips to find a planner that works for you;

    April 24, 2018bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    My first suggestion of where to start?  Start cheap.  There are so many options out there and until you get a better idea of what you want, try options that won’t break the bank.  The best way to figure out what you need and what you like is to try different options.  You can spend $100+ on planners and accessories easy–it adds up! For me, spending some money for peace of mind is worth it, but being reasonable about the investment is important. My first planner was a cheap old flimsy thing that my mom got for free from her…

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  • Example week in my new Dokibook planner @ bestwithchocolate.com

    finding a planner that worked for me;

    April 17, 2018bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    My whole tipsy life segment is really the result of my planner. I needed a change. While a daily planner worked wonders for me in college and the first years out of school, over time in this “real world” thing I’ve come to realize that my days are much more regularly scheduled, and my free time revolves around a never ending to-do list. As a Type A completionist, you can imagine what this has been doing to my sanity. It’s been overwhelming to cross 4 things off my to-do list only to realize I’ve got 6 more I forgot to…

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