• Cheddar Pepper Popcorn @ tipsychocochip,com

    beer tasting housewarming: pepper cheddar popcorn;

    August 2, 2015bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    So we might’ve moved in over a month ago.  We also might’ve had our party just under a month ago.  But I did just re-make this pepper cheddar popcorn and wanted to share it with the world.  Mostly because I made it by accident, and those are the tastiest recipes.  Plus it’s just so fun to watch the kernels popping …! We decided to have a beer tasting housewarming!  Since everyone we invited was coming from all over, we just had everyone bring a 6-pack or a growler of some awesome local beers!  We got an awesome variety, and we downed…

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