• Waffle Bar @ bestwithchocolate.com

    waffle bar;

    January 11, 2017bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    In case any of you all have been around my blog since last new year’s–apparently I like “bars”. Last year was a mimosa bar, and this year we went for a waffle bar!  We dressed up and went fancy last year, so we just turned the table and went pajama party this year. Fancy is fun, but pajamas mean I can fall into bed and not worry about getting changed or falling over in heels or flashing someone when I want to sit on the floor. So, like all bars, your imagination is the only limitation!  And it’s customizable to your…

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  • Honey Vanilla Soft Serve @ bestwithchocolate.com

    vanilla honey ice cream;

    November 30, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Ever want to impress people?  Homemade ice cream is definitely the way to go!  I love this ice cream recipe for three reasons: (1) because it’s a “no churn” recipe, aka doesn’t need an ice cream machine; (2) because of the subtle honey flavor; and (3) because it can be “soft-” or “hard-“serve!  I technically have an ice cream machine, but the singular previous time that I tried to use it, I didn’t freeze the basin long enough I think and my ice cream got kinda solid, but then was extremely crystallized when put into the freezer.  This recipe does have some crystals,…

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  • Giordano's deep dish pizza from a culinary adventure in Chicago @ tipsychocochip.com

    Chicago: Deep Dish Pizza, Yum

    July 6, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    I just got back from Chicago and wanted to share all the culinary highlights!  It was a great trip, although my face was having none of the back of forth of humid weather and super dry AC. But other than that it was a good trip!  Packed full, but not too full of you know what I mean, so that you actually get to enjoy relaxing away from work for a little while. Sometimes I feel like all my vacations nowadays just revolve around food. Just fill in the spaces to get to the next meal. Not that I’m complaining,…

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  • Cider floats @ bestwithchocolate.com

    cider floats;

    February 17, 2016bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    Here’s a new one for the books!  Who would have thought–cold cider floats!  I sure wouldn’t have. You can thank Cornell’s Grad students for this doozy. I was up in Ithaca visiting a friend this past weekend for “galentines” day, and their “TGIF” (Read: thank grads it’s Friday) served cider floats! Now I’ve only tried it specifically with McKenzie’s seasonal hard cider, and I will say that it would take some convincing to get me to try another. That’s for a couple reasons. Firstly, the winter seasonal (as I am assuming it is) definitely has some Christmas-spice notes that really…

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  • Bloomin' Baked Apples @ tipsychocochip.com

    bloomin’ baked apples;

    December 10, 2015bestwithchocolate@gmail.com

    So let’s go with:  I’m going to whip these out again one day and impress someone.  They look amazing.  They taste even more amazing.  And you can pretend that they’re healthy (they’re not).  I did forget to add that extra drizzle of caramel, but you know, that’s how these things go.   I used McIntosh apples because that’s what I had lying around the house, and I wasn’t able to make the nice rings that the gunny sack described.  Because my apples were softer, I just cut out from the center instead, making sure not to cut through the base.…

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